Yarns for filtration
Yarns for filtration
FDA approved polypropylene yarn can be used in a wide variety of industrial sectors. The yarn which is carefully selected is wahsed and wounded around a core. Depending on the clients needs we can provide other types of yarns suitable for filtration (nylon,polyester,etc)
Fields of application
FDA approved polypropylene yarn is largeley used for filtration in various types of industries: chemical petrochemical,galvanic, paper mill, cosmetics, pharmaceutical, food, photography,nuclear and energy plants.
Settori di applicazione
Il filo in polipropilene approvato FDA è largamente utilizzato per la filtrazione in diverse tipologie di industria: in quella chimica (petrol-chimica, galvanica, cartiere, cosmetica, farmaceutica), alimentare, fotografia, energia nucleare e elettrica.
Technical specifications
The yarn is obtained starting from an FDA polypropylene fiber, the count is 1300 tex, it can be washed upon client request to eliminate the finish oil.
With regard to cotton we use a natural type which is not dyed and is obtained from 100% recycled cotton, the title is 0,8.